Student Services
Each Take Stock in Children Scholar is assigned a staff member “College Success Coach” to meet with quarterly at school. The College Success Coach works as a case manager and tracks students’ progress to ensure compliance with program standards. The Coach monitors academics, attendance, behavior, graduation requirements, and ensures that students are meeting with their mentors weekly. When a scholar is non-compliant with any program standards, his or her status will drop and the probation process begins. See chart below for status update ladder.
The College Success Coach holds an intervention meeting with any Take Stock in Children Scholar who is on warning or probation. Phone calls are made to all parents and mentors to notify them of the status change, as well as letters are sent to their homes. See chart below describing levels of intervention.

Student Programming
College Success Coaches will be meeting with student/s on a quarterly basis during study hall, before or after school. Protocol is Juniors and Seniors will meet once every quarter, 6th-10th Grades once per semester. Meetings will be held in through a combination of Microsoft Teams, and at school.
Mentoring: Students are required to log a minimum of 2 session per month during study hall, before or after school. The following types of mentoring will be used:
Group mentoring: Group mentoring sessions will be offered via Zoom twice per month, every other week, on Wednesdays at 5pm. Students are required to attend at least one per month. These will count toward your sessions requirement. Students can register for these sessions on our website:
One-on-one Mentoring: Face-to-face meetings with assigned mentors at school. Students are required to meet with mentor at least twice per month if currently assigned to a mentor.
One-on-one Mentoring via Zoom during Mentor Session Office hours: TBD 5:30-7:30pm
TSIC App: Chats/texts/Facetime lasting 30 minutes or more in one day can count toward your sessions requirement. Click here to start chatting with your mentor!
Workshops: The following mandatory workshops will be offered after school/weekends and students in each grade level will be notified when to register.
FAFSA and Scholarships for Seniors
College Survival Workshop for Seniors
College Application and Essay Writing for Juniors
SAT/ACT Prep for Juniors
High School Survival Workshop for 8th Graders
Scholar Expectations and Standards
Take Stock in Children scholars must abide by the following standards in order to remain in the Take Stock in Children Program.
Maintain a “C” or better in all classes
Have NO more than 5 unexcused absences per quarter
Have NO more than 1 in-school suspension per quarter
Have NO out-of-school suspensions
Remain crime and drug free
Meet with a mentor regularly
Attend all mandatory Take Stock in Children events
Meet with a College Success Coach at least once a quarter
Notify Take Stock in Children of any changes in address, phones numbers, email addresses, relocating of schools or counties etc.
College Success Coach Contact Info:
Raquel Rodriguez 754-300-6293
Andres Monsalve 754-600-9621
Quarterly Handouts: